
Comment entretenir votre JOTT?

Respectez les étiquettes d'entretien pour assurer la durabilité de votre produit !
JOTT vous conseille de télécharg er l’application Mon etiquette . Cette application gratuite permet de comprendre les symboles des étiquettes d’entretien, et partage diverses astuces.

Comment laver votre doudoune JOTT ?

First of all, please refer to the care instructions on the label of each product.

Machine wash:

1/ If your down jacket is stained, gently rub the stain with your detergent using a washcloth.
2/ Use a synthetic program 30°C and your usual detergent.

Remember to close all the zips of your down jacket before putting it in the machine. In order to keep its loft during the washing, we recommend you to add two clean tennis balls. This will allow the down to air out! Do not wring out your down jacket.

Hand wash:

1/ If your comforter is stained, gently rub the stain with your laundry detergent using a washcloth.
2/ Wash your down jacket with your usual detergent.

Rinse the comforter thoroughly with water to avoid stains and avoid wringing it out to prevent the down from clumping.

Comment sécher votre doudoune JOTT ?

Please refer to the care instructions for each product.

Machine drying:

1/ Blot your down jacket with a towel to remove excess water.
Use the synthetic program until the feather is completely dry (2/3 cycles required).

Add the tennis balls to the dryer and between each cycle, take your comforter out to shake it out and distribute the feather properly.

Natural drying:

1/ Pat your comforter dry with a towel to remove excess water.
Turn your down jacket over and pat it regularly to prevent the feathers from sticking together.

Never dry your down jacket on a radiator.

Nos astuces

Ensure the longevity of your down jacket by following our tips!

1/ Is it raining? Wear your reversible on the smooth side! The coatings on our reversible down jackets offer 2 types of protection:
- water-repellent properties for the classic nylon side.
- a totally waterproof protection for the smooth side of the jacket.

2/ Is it windy? You can wear your windbreaker! The nylon of our down jackets will protect you a little from the wind. But if you want to be really sheltered, think of the windbreakers, the materials are specially designed to protect you.

3/ Is your down jacket stained? Gently rub the stain with your detergent using a washcloth before washing!

4/ You wash & dry your down jacket in the machine? Remember to add two clean tennis balls to air the down and don't forget to close all the zips of your down jacket before putting it in the machine.

5/ Is there a hole in your down jacket? If the lining has holes, we advise you to contact a professional seamstress who can help you. If you have kept the storage bag, she/he can use it (fabric, patch...) to reinforce the hole and prevent the seams from giving way again. Otherwise, she/he can use the inside pocket of the jacket for patching. Do not use iron-on elements.


Nos recommandations

Avoid damaging your down jacket by taking a few precautions!

1/ Do not wear your waterproof down jacket in the rain. JOTT's classic nylon coatings have the ability to let water slide off the surface without absorbing it. If you want to be protected from the rain, choose a waterproof down jacket!

2/ Do not pull on the feathers. All down jackets with real down lose some of their feathers with the cold and static electricity. Feathers are attracted like magnets to the outside.

3/ Do not use iron-on elements. If the cover has a hole, we advise you to contact a professional seamstress who can help you. If you have kept the storage bag, she/he can use it (fabric, patch...) to reinforce the hole and prevent the seams from breaking again. Otherwise, she/he can use the inside pocket of the jacket for the patch.

4/ Never dry your down jacket on a radiator. You can put your down jacket near a heat source but never too close to it so as not to damage the nylon.


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Entretenir d'autres produits JOTT

JOTT interdit l’utilisation de l‘eau de Javel pour l’entretien des produits textiles.

Entretenir ses chaussures

Nous vous recommandons d’utiliser une brosse à dent propre (ou une brosse sèche à poils doux ou un chiffon humide) avec un peu de liquide vaisselle. Brossez délicatement pour éviter d’endommager la matière.
Pour les lacets, nous vous recommandons de les faire tremper dans de l’eau chaude avec un peu de liquide vaisselle, de les nettoyer à la main et de les rincer après.
Nous vous recommandons de sécher les chaussures à l’air libre, à température ambiante. Assurez vous qu'elles soient complètement sèches avant de les porter.

Entretenir un vêtement

Les produits en maille doivent être repassés en respectant les étiquettes d’entretien pour retrouver leur forme initiale.
Le rétrécissement après lavage est testé. Néanmoins, un éventuel rétrécissement de 5% maximum est tolérable.


Une autre question ?

N’hésitez pas à consulter notre FAQ. Vous y trouverez de nombreuses réponses aux questions les plus fréquemment posées par les JOTTER. Si vous ne trouvez pas la réponse à votre question, contactez-nous directement et nous ferons de notre mieux pour vous aider.

Astuces et conseils pratiques
Les doudounes sont des manteaux d'hiver confortables et chaleureux, mais pour qu'ils restent en bon état et continuent à vous protéger du froid, il est important de les entretenir correctement.

In this guide, we'll give you some tips on how to care for your JOTT down jacket and keep it in good condition, so it will serve you well for years to come. Whether you have a down jacket or a synthetic one, these tips will help you keep it in top condition.